Blog: The Story behind my Story, “Led By and Unseen Hand ”
I think every book should have a purpose and I’ve been asked several pertinent questions as to why I wrote mine. “What led you to write this book? What was your purpose? Who was your target audience? Was it a dream come true for you? I will quickly dismiss that last question by simply saying, “No, never in my wildest dreams did I anticipate writing a book. In fact it took a long time for me to even entertain the thought of it. Such a task was a bit scary and much too time consuming.
When several friends and relatives suggested I share some of my life experiences, I didn’t think I had anything to share. It’s true; I didn’t as long as I was looking at myself. Then God’s Holy Spirit reminded me of the things He had done for me. The more I thought and prayed about it, I began to sense the urging of the Lord saying, “My good deeds and answered prayers on your behalf need to be made known.” It was then that I became excited to write and sensed that if I didn’t, I would be disobedient. We as God’s children are to glorify Him and make Him and His works known.
There is an advantage of looking back over a lifetime, for it was then I saw that unseen hand that had led me in all of life’s experiences. I had failed God so many times and faced many difficulties, but He allowed me to learn from all of these circumstances. He gently picked me up and set me on a firm foundation of His Word and provided His love, comfort and guidance. It was not because I was good and deserved His goodness. It was simply because of His love, forgiveness and grace. Suddenly I realized I had much to say because of His faithfulness in my journey through life. I had to write to give God the praise He deserves. That is what led me to write this story.
, God placed a heavy burden on my heart to reach those that follow after us. My heart often aches for young people who have everything this world offers except what is needed most—a personal relationship with Christ. Only in that relationship is true happiness found. It is also the only assurance we have of reaching heaven one day. It is through answered prayer that the greatest joys in life come. I have known no greater thrill than having the God of the universe answer my prayers in very personal and amazing ways. I have shared some difficult and shameful circumstances that were not easy to share but I realize many young people today battle similar problems and need to know that God is sufficient in all of these times. None of us knows what lies ahead, therefore, I pray that the next generation will know that God wants to be personally involved in the good and bad times that come to all of us. This is the legacy I desire for all of my children and grandchildren — to know God is real and is concerned for the details within their every day lives.
I invite you to read my story and let God take you by the hand and lead you. Only then will your life become the adventure that is most exciting and meaningful.
In my next blog, I plan to include some of the results that my readers have shared with me. Thank you for visiting my blog and please check back with me.
Former pastor's wife, missionary, college professor. Mother of twin daughters and one son. Presently retired.